Chapter 4 - Reborn as Rom-Com Villain: Chasing a Happier Youth


Chapter 4: The Common Sense of This World

After witnessing the harem-like romantic comedy scene in the classroom, the lesson began as if nothing had happened.

Even though I hadn’t brought any textbooks or notebooks, I found that my desk and locker were filled with them, so I didn’t have to worry about missing anything. However, the sense of relief was short-lived, as I soon realized that an ordinary class felt rather uncomfortable for someone cast as a villain.

The teacher glared at me with sharp eyes and said things like, "It's rare for a truant like you to show up." During the lesson, he blatantly targeted me with questions. The gazes from my classmates were equally painful.

It felt as if everyone was harassing me, rejecting my presence in the classroom, and insisting that I fulfill my role as the villain.

But I had the knowledge to overcome this.

The teacher likely thought I wouldn't be able to answer the questions he was asking, but he was mistaken. In my previous life, I had spent my high school and university years immersed in studies. For me, high school first-year content was easy to answer.

When I smoothly answered the questions directed at me, the teacher looked astonished, his eyes widening. The other students wore similar expressions of surprise.

Of course, it was a natural reaction. Before I reincarnated, Shindo Ryusuke had been defiant toward teachers and had no memory of taking lessons seriously. No one expected me to be able to answer.

However, due to my past bad behavior, no matter how seriously I took the classes or how accurately I answered the questions, the gazes from those around me remained cold. To change this, I would need to earn their trust over time.

During the lesson, what interested me the most were the story's protagonist and heroines.

I recalled the characters from "Fusekoi."

First, the protagonist, Fusegawa Yorito.

In the story, he sat in the very back seat by the window, and he was now attending class in exactly the same spot. He had an unremarkable appearance with black hair and eyes and always seemed lethargic. However, he was kind, considerate, and a natural charmer, embodying the typical romantic comedy protagonist who attracted beautiful girls.

Next to him sat the orthodox heroine with long red hair, Hanazaki Yuna.

She was excellent in her studies, well-behaved, and her appearance was pure and lovely. She was the most popular heroine, consistently topping the popularity polls for "Fusekoi." Her natural clumsiness and adorableness captured the readers' hearts.

In front of her was the childhood friend with twin tails, Himeno Karen.

In contrast to the gentle Hanazaki Yuna, Karen was bright, active, and athletically gifted. As the childhood friend, she had many appearances, and her slightly tsundere but earnest affection for the protagonist captivated the audience.

Not present in the classroom but serving as the student council president was Sakuramiya Miyuki. She had invited Fusegawa Yorito to join the student council before class. A half-British girl with long, wavy blonde hair and striking blue eyes, she was the perfect human excelling in beauty, personality, and ability.

There were many other quirky side characters, but these were the central figures in "Fusekoi."

Their characteristics and names matched perfectly with my memories of "Fusekoi," confirming that this was indeed the world of that story.

Even during class, the protagonist and heroines flirted, perfectly aligning with scenes from "Fusekoi."

Still, seeing the protagonist and heroines flirt in class was quite jarring in real life.

In reality, a seat at the very back by the window is quite noticeable to the teacher. From the podium, it’s clear that the least conspicuous seat is often the front row on the edge, while the back seats are quite visible. Despite this, Fusegawa Yorito chatted with Hanazaki Yuna and Himeno Karen during class.

They might have thought they were whispering, but I could clearly hear them from my front-row seat. Watching two beautiful girls talk cheerfully draws attention, and yet they received no reprimand. This reaffirmed that this was the norm in a romantic comedy world.

A romantic comedy doesn’t work without interaction between the protagonist and the heroines. Describing a class quietly would be boring, so they continue talking even during lessons.

Feeling the disparity from my previous life, I quietly took notes and listened to the teacher.

I was curious about the protagonist and heroines, but gaining trust was my current priority.

If I didn’t escape the role of the villain, a bad end awaited me, just as in the original story.

Thus, I needed to reform myself. Although Shindo Ryusuke was an unmistakable delinquent in this world, I had lived a diligent and earnest life before reincarnating.

So, I just had to change Shindo Ryusuke’s character through my efforts. By reforming from a hopeless villain meant to highlight the protagonist’s greatness into a serious and sincere student, I could avoid the ruinous future.

Waiting ahead should be the best youth I couldn’t experience in my first life—sweet, romantic days unique to a romantic comedy world. I wanted to live such days too.

For that, I had to take classes seriously.

Don’t sleep, don’t skip, don’t talk during class, and take proper notes. I needed to actively engage in lessons and show that I was studying hard. I earnestly attended the classes.

But even with that effort... it was only the first day, and neither the teachers nor classmates could hide their discomfort with me. No progress was made. However, perseverance is key. Continuation will make a difference.

Holding this determination, the morning classes passed quickly, and it was lunchtime.

Perhaps due to the unfamiliarity of school life right after reincarnation, I felt exhausted. I wanted to nap lightly after lunch, perhaps on the rooftop since it was a nice day.

However, the voices of Fusegawa Yorito, Hanazaki Yuna, and Himeno Karen brought me back to reality.

"Yorito-kun, it’s a nice day. Shall we have lunch on the rooftop?"

"Yuna, that sounds good. Let’s go."

"I’m happy. Let’s relax in the sunlight."

"Yorito! I made a bento! You’ll eat it, right?"

"Of course. Everything you make is delicious, Karen."

"Huh!? Y-Yeah... hehe."

Listening to the protagonist and heroines, I sighed deeply.

I had forgotten... the school rooftop was often featured in the story as a place where the protagonist and heroines would flirt.

That open space was a regular spot for the protagonist and heroines to nurture their love. If I went there now, it might trigger a villainous interference event. Even if I had no such intention, the atmosphere would lead to that.

Quiet places like the library were dangerous too. As the villain, I needed to avoid locations that were frequent settings in the story.

(The safest place is probably the classroom.)

The classroom was the safest bet. A space filled with many students was the best environment for me now. Like hiding a tree in a forest, staying among many students was the safest.

I decided to eat lunch at my desk and take a nap, preparing for the afternoon classes. But then I realized something.

(I see. I used to skip school so much that I don’t have a bento.)

Before I reincarnated, Shindo Ryusuke hadn’t attended school regularly. His parents wouldn’t have prepared lunch for him, and there was nothing in his bag.

To satisfy my hunger, I had to go to the cafeteria.

But the cafeteria was a frequent event spot in "Fusekoi." While I knew the protagonist and heroines were heading to the rooftop, I had to pray nothing happened in the cafeteria.

This was a romantic comedy world, a typical harem story. Other heroines might appear, leading to unexpected events involving the protagonist.

The possibility of encountering unknown events not present in the original work is not zero. But I couldn’t concentrate on afternoon classes on an empty stomach. I had to move carefully and discreetly.

I decided to have lunch in a quiet corner of the cafeteria, holding my wallet tightly as I left the classroom.



