Chapter 4 - Became the Golden Sun of the Academy


Chapter 4 - Adele Heights (4)

“Nothing ever goes as planned, does it?”

After Anastasia, one of the heroines, approached me, I hurriedly left the lecture hall and was now walking behind the shaded part of the academy. It was partly because I wanted to avoid running into any heroines while wandering around, and partly because I had something to test.

A unique ability characteristic that came to mind during the lecture.

With a duel coming up soon, I needed to figure out how to use this ability to avoid any issues with my grades. From what Kyle had said, it seemed the matchups were already decided, but there was no one around to confirm it with.

Anyway, I came to this secluded part of the academy because I wanted to test an ability that I wasn’t sure I could control. It would be a big problem if I accidentally involved someone else.

“Adele’s ability is… Assimilation, wasn’t it?”

One of the most fraudulent abilities among the strongest swordsman of the Academy is this Assimilation ability of Adele. It allows you to assimilate with anything, provided you have enough magical power, and its utility is as diverse as its power, making it a well-balanced ability.

Walking along the grassy path by the drain, I came to a large waste incinerator. At this hour, no one would come here, making it perfect for researching my ability alone.

“How do I do this?”

Abilities are innate. While some abilities develop later in life, they are generally as natural to use as any part of your body. However, as someone who’s been possessed, it felt as impossible as trying to wag a non-existent tail.

“I should start with something harmless…”

I picked up a fallen branch nearby.


Just as I was about to say the word “assimilate,” I felt a sudden expansion of my senses, as if an extra arm had grown from my own.

It was a bizarre feeling that was hard to describe. When I shook the branch, I could feel the sensation of it cutting through the air.

“It seems like the sensory assimilation worked.”

But assimilation doesn’t stop there. Sensing is just a part of it, not the whole.

I closed my eyes and focused my consciousness. My intention was to bend the straight branch. I imagined bending my arm.


With my eyes closed, I heard a tearing sound and felt a pain as if my waist was being ripped apart. When I opened my eyes slightly, the branch was excessively bent, showing its raw inside.

“Did I bend it too much?”

The branch and my arm are not perfectly alike, so my mistake was not understanding its range of motion properly. Anyway, I could get a feel for it slowly by the next class.

Satisfied with the fantastical task I had just performed for the first time, I smiled faintly and released the assimilation with the broken branch. Fortunately, the pain disappeared as soon as I released the assimilation.

Having roughly understood how to use the ability, I was about to leave the incinerator.



I heard disgusting breaths and someone groaning from around the corner. Startled, I stopped walking and held my breath.

‘There’s no one around here, indeed.’

So it wasn’t surprising that it was being used for such purposes.

“Wow, you still have spirit in your eyes after taking that much of a beating?”

The voice was from someone unfamiliar. The greasy tone made it clear that whatever thoughts I had were irrelevant as I understood the situation.


Should I just walk away or help? I don’t intend to live as a villain, but I’m not someone who, like the protagonist Kyle, can’t stand injustice. If there’s no benefit, I don’t plan to get involved. As I pondered, I heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

“Keep your promise to make this never happened.”

This was a voice I’d heard this morning, though it lacked the usual cheerfulness.

Lucy Bellemail.

Kyle’s childhood friend and a heroine who dislikes Adele, who bullies him. She was just around the corner.

‘Why is Lucy here?’

If Kyle is training, she’d be nearby watching. What reason could she have for coming to such a remote place?

“You have a good memory. A real model student.”

This time, the voice belonged to a woman. Judging by the various voices of men and women, it was clear that several people were surrounding Lucy.

‘What’s going on here?’

Even as a veteran of the strongest swordsman of the Academy, I don’t recognize this episode. There’s no such scene in the game where Lucy is bullied.

“You said you’d keep quiet if I came here alone, not telling anyone that Kyle hurt you.”

“Did I?”

His tone was nonchalant. Anyone listening would easily recognize it as a lie.

In any case, I understood the situation clearly.

Kyle has many villains besides Adele. From nameless extras to named characters, he faces countless enemies. In the game, Kyle often fights these bullies.

If you ask whether violence is prohibited at the academy… even Kyle gets disciplined. But being the protagonist, many characters testify to his self-defense, so he receives a relatively light punishment.

In summary, Kyle apparently hit a noble boy, and Lucy is trying to stop his family from taking private revenge… or something like that.

“Well, I’m generous and kind-hearted. So if you show a bit more sincerity, I might consider it. Maybe with your body? Your face and body are pretty good for a commoner.”

“Such a demand…!”

“If you don’t agree, too bad. You know our family, right? One of the academy’s executives is my uncle.”

Peeking slightly, I saw the boy pressing Lucy against the wall. Her hair was disheveled, her body covered in bruises, and her clothes were filthy.

“My arm still aches from almost breaking because of him. If it affects my future, my mother will immediately tell my uncle to expel him.”

Lucy kept silent, her head bowed. Though hard to see, her trembling lips showed her distress.


My fists clenched so hard that my nails dug into my palms.

I’ve never seen a scene like this. Playing as Kyle, I didn’t know this was happening. Why isn’t the protagonist Kyle here to protect his childhood friend? Why am I, instead of him, here?

“Try something else…”

“If you can’t do it, there’s no choice.”

Cutting off Lucy’s desperate plea, the boy raised his fist. Lucy closed her eyes, bracing for the impact.


A sigh escaped my lips. It was only natural since I had to break my resolve not to interfere with the protagonist and heroines within a day.

If Kyle isn’t here to help, then who will? In this secluded incinerator, there’s no one else but me to assist Lucy.

“How can I ignore this?”

What I wanted was the happiness of the protagonist and heroines. I planned to attend the academy without interfering with them to see a scene I hadn’t witnessed.

But if that happiness comes at the heroine’s expense, that’s not the happy ending I want to see.

I hope for an ending where, despite the hardships, they can look back and see that they overcame them.

So I stepped forward, turning the corner to reveal myself in front of the despicable bullies.

