Chapter 1 - Became the Golden Sun of the Academy

Chapter 1 - Adele Heights (1)

"Adele Heights of the strongest swordsman of the Academy.

The clear antagonist who constantly picks fights with the protagonist, Kyle, and eventually steals his childhood friend, Lucy, making him a blatant villain.

He possessed all the villainous traits: a member of a prestigious family, slightly sharp features, yet handsome face and tall stature similar to the protagonist, and exceptional abilities befitting a villain that the protagonist must overcome.

Except for his flawed personality, Adele Heights was a character who suited the protagonist even better than the protagonist himself.

"Wow, the world is really unfair."

Standing in front of a full-length mirror, he muttered to himself while peering into his pants.

In any case, it didn't seem to be a dream that I become Adele Heights, who now doesn't exist except for his personality. It was a surreal situation, and though initially taken aback, he now understood the extent of the circumstances.

Looking back calmly, it didn't seem like a bad thing to be possessed by Adele.

Why did I want to be possessed?

Wasn't it to help Kyle connect properly with the heroins without being NTRed?

But since Adele became the one who was doing the NTR, if I stay still, he will naturally connect with the heroins.

Alright, I get it.

As long as Kyle, the protagonist, handles any trials, I'll just live and breathe, and everything will be resolved.

I'll just watch over the ending I wanted to see, where Kyle and the heroines live happily.

When I go to the academy, I won't talk to anyone and just quietly study and return.

It's easier said than done.

"Okay, I can do this."

This time, I won't let Kyle suffer an NTR-like ending.

It was when I made this determination while slapping my cheeks turned into Adele.

Knock-! Knock-!

Two knocks.

"Master, may I come in?"

It seemed to be a servant of the Heights family.

I pondered for a moment how to respond, then answered in a cold and low voice, just like Adele in my mind.

"Yes, come in."

I answered, but no one come in.

Perhaps I didn't hear the voice properly, so I said it again.

"Come in."

The door remained firmly closed.

Did I mishear something?

I approached the door and pushed the luxurious wooden door.


The door opened, revealing the figure of the servant standing in front of the door.

A maid outfit commonly seen, mixing white and black.

And a platinum blonde beauty who looked quite good in it blinked at me as if she couldn't believe I was awake.

"Why are you standing there like a statue?"

"Ah, sorry."

The maid bowed apologetically.

Just asking a question made her apologize automatically, indicating she must have known how Adele behaved even without seeing it.

"I woke up the master who usually sleeps, so I thought I was wrong."

"Is that so?"

Now that I think about it, this maid looked familiar.

Charlotte, who appeared every time Adele appeared.

I initially thought she was a noble follower of Adele, but it turned out she was a maid.

"I'll assist you in getting ready for school."


I returned to my room and stretched my arms in front of the full-length mirror. It was a gesture that seemed to happen naturally, like I was putting on clothes by myself, just like a nobleman.

"Excuse me."

Charlotte started unbuttoning my pajamas in front of me.

It would have been an odd situation for Kim Yujin, who had never experienced such a thing, to have someone undress him like this, but seeing my calm reaction, it seemed like this was also ordinary.


As I stretched my arms and Charlotte began removing my shirt, I noticed distinct six-pack abs reflected in the full-length mirror, as well as scars on my chest that looked like they were stabbed by a knife or whipped.

From a distance, I might have looked like a soldier crossing a battlefield.

But why do I have these scars?

It's unsettling.


"Yes, Master."

"When did I get these scars?"

Thus, Charlotte's explanation continued.

It was shocking enough to feel dizzy that Adele had more scars on his back than on his front, something that hadn't been known because they didn't show in the mirror.


The reasons for the beatings varied.

Apparently, over the past few years, Adele was beaten by his father, the head of the household, for not being the top student at the academy. The reasons he was beaten before that were even more absurd.


He was whipped for not properly learning noble etiquette, and when he insisted on wanting to sword fight, he ended up with a real sword wound in his stomach.

It felt like hearing insane stories.

Less than an hour after becoming Adele, I regretted becoming him.

I thought I just had to breathe, but now it seemed like I might die just by breathing.

I considered running away, but without my family and an academy diploma, I wouldn't be able to find work and might even be killed by someone who held a grudge against Adele.

It was a desperate situation...


"You know everything quite well."

"I've watched over you since you were young, Master."


With that, the conversation ended, and Charlotte finished dressing me.

Although it was a light suit you could see anywhere, my face and body made me look like a model.


"Then I'll see you at the academy. Call me if you need anything."


Charlotte bowed her head and left the room.


"…my stomach hurts."


I had heard far too many things I didn't want to hear.


"So, to avoid being beaten, I have to be the top student at the academy."


I thought I just had to breathe.

It turned out Adele was living as difficult a life as the protagonist.


"And I have to maintain that until graduation to catch a break."


It was a situation that made me sigh…

* * *

Trinity Academy which is the background of the Strongest swordsman of the Academy.

As a prestigious institution where nobles from various countries attend, the building looked magnificent even from afar.

The height that seemed to touch the sky and the glistening platinum walls of the medieval building.

The sunlight reflected in the windows shone brilliantly like jewels, creating a mysterious atmosphere.

Although it was a picturesque scene that one would not feel in modern times, I was engrossed in my thoughts and didn't pay attention to them.

I thought just breathing would lead to a happy ending.

No, I would make sure it became a happy ending. For the protagonist, Kyle.

But what about Adele, who grew up harshly in the Heights family? If I doesn't take the top spot, I'll probably be whipped to the point of bleeding this year, too.

That's not a happy ending.

It's only possible to feel happy watching someone else's happiness to a certain extent. If I don't have the luxury, I won't be able to feel happiness.

"Ah, yes, the top spot. The top spot is good."

Studying ahead, attending classes diligently, and reviewing would easily put Adele's abilities in the top ranks.

But the top spot is different.

At the top ranks, the protagonist and the heroines who are supposed to accompany him reign, and the protagonist who doesn't want to meet them at all takes control.

Saying that I'll take the top spot means I'll inevitably have more encounters with them, which goes against my plan of not getting involved with the protagonist and the heroines as much as possible.

But if I don't want to being whipped, what else is there to do?

Who in the world would want to be whipped to the point of their skin bursting?

Even couples who enjoy SM play would be terrified of this kind of whipping.

Then I shook my head.

"No, taking the top spot and NTR have nothing to do with each other, right?"

Without mixing words, without looking at anyone, without even seeing my name, I planned to forget about my existence. But showing my name and face should be okay.

I have to live first before I can support others, so it should be okay to show them at least.

Thinking so, I walked along the path covered by cherry blossom trees, which had formed a tunnel-like pathway.

Familiar faces visible on one side of the view.

Kyle Leonhardt with dirt-colored hair, sweating as if he had been training since morning, and Lucy Bellmail, handing him a towel with her sky-colored hair.

The protagonists of the Trinity Academy, whom I would rather avoid, were walking down the path.

"...I should avoid them."

I lowered my head to avoid being noticed and planned to blend into the crowd and naturally head to the academy.


Lucy seemed to have recognized me easily.

Despite feeling her gaze, I just continued walking forward, pretending not to hear her, but the sound of footsteps following behind me indicated that she hadn't ignored me.

"Where are you going, Adele Heights!"

The booming voice that echoed confirmed my anxious prediction.

Even the students who were just walking normally stopped and looked at me upon hearing the loud voice and the mentioned name.

...My plan to avoid getting involved with them from the beginning went awry.



