Chapter 13 - Reborn as Rom-Com Villain: Chasing a Happier Youth

Reborn as Rom-Com Villain: Chasing a Happier Youth


Chapter 13: Kizaki Reo

While the other students desperately passed the ball around, Kizaki Reo single-handedly played like three people. The moment he got the ball, he moved swiftly, dodging defenders, and driving in for a layup.

Every time he scored, the gym erupted in cheers. If the girls were here, there would have been screams of excitement.

Kizaki Reo's play was that impressive and cool.



Receiving a pass from Kizaki Reo, I dribbled towards the goal.

However, I was blocked by the opposing team, and instinctively stepped to the side.

The defender missed, and Kizaki Reo immediately cut in behind me. I passed the ball to him, and he fluidly shot towards the hoop.

The ball arced through the air and swished through the net, drawing more cheers from our classmates.

Kizaki Reo continued to dominate, leading our team to a decisive victory.

Breathless and drenched in sweat, I left the court and slumped against the gym wall.

Kizaki Reo, a first-year regular on the basketball team, truly lived up to his reputation. Even the students on the opposing team acknowledged his skill, praising him after the game.

Still, the body I reincarnated into, Shindo Ryusuke, was impressive. In my previous life, I had no athletic ability, yet I managed to keep up with Kizaki Reo and deliver good passes, even making some shots. Despite having little experience with basketball.

Before I reincarnated, Shindo Ryusuke had been dedicated to physical training.

That’s why I had powerful plays and enough leg strength for speed. Most importantly, my body moved exactly as I wanted it to. Passes and shots went where I aimed, just as I imagined.

This body might have hidden talent as an athlete. However, the smoking habit made me run out of breath quickly. If I could regain full health and train hard, I might reach a decent level.

As I contemplated this, Kizaki Reo came over and sat beside me, showing his trademark smile.

"Good job, Shindo-kun. How was the game?"

"I worked up a good sweat for the first time in a while. But you were amazing, Kizaki-kun. I’d heard rumors, but you’re even better than I imagined..."

"Forget about me, what about you? Are you really a beginner? Even I, with my basketball experience, was surprised by your precise passes and almost flawless shooting. You were a key part of our victory."

"Being praised by a regular like you is flattering."

"It's true. You have a great court vision, accurately reading the movements and making the right plays. Because of that, I could move freely. Thank you for that."

"… No, thank you. In that game, you were always where you needed to be. Without you, there’s no way we would’ve played so well."

"It's mutual. You were always in the right spot for me to make my moves. I’m glad you were on my team."

"Haha… it’s embarrassing to hear that."

I scratched my cheek in embarrassment, making Kizaki Reo chuckle.

"Talking to you, you’re very different from my first impression. Honestly, when you first approached me, I was a bit wary. You were almost never at school and had a bit of a reputation. I thought you’d be more rough and tough."

I figured as much. No matter how high-spec Kizaki Reo is as a best friend character, he’s still an ordinary high school student. His reaction is understandable.

Shindo Ryusuke’s appearance is the epitome of a delinquent, and before I reincarnated, he lived up to that look with a delinquent lifestyle.

We had no prior relationship. Anyone would be cautious if a scary-looking guy suddenly talked to them.

"But after talking to you, I realized you’re very gentlemanly and polite. So, I need to apologize for misunderstanding you."

"No, no, there’s no need for you to apologize, Kizaki-kun. I’m actually grateful you’re being honest with me, and I didn’t think you’d talk to someone like me without hesitation. I was genuinely happy to have this conversation."

"Ahaha, Shindo-kun. I feel the same way. I’m happy we talked. Also, call me Reo. I’m not used to being called by my last name."

"Then call me Ryusuke. F-Feel free to use it."

"Got it, Ryusuke. Let’s keep in touch from now on."

Reo extended his right hand with a refreshing smile. I hesitated for a moment, but then decided to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Reo. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better."

"Of course, let’s be friends. Oh, by the way, since we’re getting along so well, can I introduce you to one of my friends?"


A bad feeling crept over me. As expected, the friend Reo wanted to introduce was that guy.

Reo looked towards the court where a game was ongoing. The person he was looking at was Fusekawa Yorito, the protagonist of this world.

"See, it’s Fusekawa Yorito, the one wearing number 8. He’s my best friend. Well, we only became friends in high school, but we get along really well."

"Heh… is that so?"

"He’s usually surrounded by girls in the classroom, so it might be hard to approach him, but I’m sure you’ll get along with him soon, Ryusuke."

"I-I’m not so sure about that…"

If this conversation continued, it could lead to something troublesome.

If I, the villain, got close to Fusekawa Yorito, the protagonist, this moment wouldn’t be a skippable, unnecessary part of the story.

Fusekawa Yorito would step into the spotlight and start fulfilling his role as the protagonist.

An event between the protagonist and the villain—it would definitely be a scenario where I get crushed to highlight Fusekawa Yorito.

Even if it didn’t happen right away, it would lay the groundwork for the story. That would almost certainly lead to my downfall. If I don’t escape the role of the villain, I won’t have any way to survive.

Right now, I had to refuse Reo’s introduction. I must avoid any contact with the protagonist.

"Sorry, Reo, but I… uh…"

As I struggled to find an excuse, Reo looked at my face and smiled gently.

"Looking at you, I kind of get it. You’re not fond of Yorito, right?"


I widened my eyes in surprise. He seemed to understand what I was thinking before I even said it.

"It’s not uncommon, actually. Some of my friends feel the same way, so I can tell from your reaction that you’re uncomfortable with him."

"Really? There are others who don’t like Fusekawa?"

"Yeah. Yorito is always surrounded by girls, and he rarely talks to other guys. Plus, he has a unique aura, making it hard for people to approach him."

That’s probably the aura of a protagonist.

In a romantic comedy, the protagonist rarely talks to background characters. His world is filled with beautiful heroines and cool best friends like Reo, while other side characters don’t usually interact with him.

In a romantic comedy world, the background characters probably understand this unconsciously. That’s why they all keep their distance, saying, “I’m not comfortable with Fusekawa Yorito.”

This, in turn, creates a romantic comedy world around him, highlighting his presence as the protagonist.

If Fusekawa Yorito has an aura that repels background characters, I should go along with it. If I, too, keep my distance and say I’m uncomfortable with him, Reo, as his best friend, would surely understand.

"Yeah, you’re right. I’m not very good with Fusekawa either, so I’d rather not get involved with him…"

"I knew it. Don’t worry, Ryusuke, I won’t force you. I want to get along with you from now on."

I sighed in relief. This avoided the path to my downfall for now. If Reo keeps me from getting close to Fusekawa Yorito, I can continue being friends with him without worry.

"Oh, it looks like Yorito’s game is over. I’ll go check on him."

"Alright. See you later."

"Thanks. Catch you later."

With that, Reo left my side.

I watched as Reo chatted with the sweat-soaked Fusekawa Yorito and let out a small breath.

Becoming friends with Reo allowed me to stay on the right track, slowly escaping my role as the villain.

But I couldn’t let my guard down yet.

As I pondered my next move, I started watching the next game.

